November 20, 2014
President Obama used his address to the nation Thursday night to broadly outline his planned changes to immigration policy, but he spent most of his time making his case in human terms. The speech was light on specifics, but he indicated that his plan would focus on the following three policy goals:
It is that last point that received the bulk of the President’s attention. He repeatedly stressed that undocumented immigrants largely came here to work hard, to build a better life for themselves and their families, and to contribute to America’s success. He also repeatedly emphasized that we are all a nation of immigrants, and that we all know the heart of the stranger in a strange land, because “we were strangers once too.”
In addition to his stirring appeals to the good nature of the American people, the address contained the following notable bits:
Point #2 – making it easier for skilled immigrants to come and stay – has received little attention in the press, but is very important in its own right. We will eagerly be listening for any updates, the first of which are expected tomorrow at the rally in Las Vegas.