Immigration News

June 20, 2013

CBO Estimate: Immigration Reform Would Cut $197 Billion from Deficit

In a report released June 18th, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that enacting the proposed immigration reform bill (S.744)…More

June 20, 2013

Research Shows Immigration Boosts Housing Market

From a report by the Americas Society/Council of the Americas and the Partnership for a New American Economy: Immigrant workers…More

June 12, 2013

The Pathway to Citizenship Begins to Take Shape

No one knows exactly what the provisions for the pathway to citizenship for the undocumented will look like, or even…More

June 11, 2013

Senate Votes to Debate Immigration Reform

Following President Obama’s speech earlier today, the U.S. Senate has voted to begin debate on the Senate Bill 744, with…More

June 11, 2013

President Obama’s Speech in Support of Immigration Reform

In a speech earlier this morning at the White House, President Obama urged lawmakers who were “serious” about the issue…More

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