August 7, 2013
Founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t often weigh in on politics and policy, but he has made his…More
August 1, 2013
Reza Aslan, a professor of creative writing at UC Riverside who has been in the news of late, made a…More
July 26, 2013
USCIS has issued the below guidance for frequently-asked-questions in light of last month’s DOMA ruling: Q1: I am a U.S….More
July 25, 2013
The Board of Immigration Appeals has just released its first decision after the United States Supreme Court’s recent decision (United…More
July 19, 2013
With the fate of immigration reform in the House of Representatives unclear, the upcoming August recess represents an important opportunity…More
January 28, 2014
Boehner’s New Immigration Plan: A Ploy Worth Considering?For decades, the main sticking point in negotiations over immigration reform has been the fate of undocumented immigrants currently residing…More
January 16, 2014
Cracks Emerge in Immigration Reform CoalitionWhen it became clear that Speaker Boehner was planning to introduce a series of small standalone immigration bills (rather a…More
December 6, 2013
“I’ll be trying to get this sticky immigration situation worked out.”So says Rebecca Tallent regarding her recent hire as a legislative assistant to Speaker John Boehner. Ms. Tallent previously served as…More